Saturday, September 11, 2010

signs of lung cancer in women

sign of lung cancer in women

Therefore, many women die from lung cancer? Research suggests that while women are less and inhale cigarette smoke fewer cigarettes to smoke, that women are 1.5 times more likely to suffer from lung cancer than men. Although further research is needed, scientists believe the difference may be genetically linked.Many improvements in cancer treatment and recovery rates have improved, and large. Unfortunately, this is not the case with lung cancer. Survival varies greatly over the past 40 years. If the patient is in the final stages of cancer of the lungs, the patient is likely to be critical of analgesics, and feels it is proposed to reduce the suffering.

The symptoms of lung cancer takes many years to develop, which often leads to diagnosis at an advanced stage of the disease. Some common symptoms may occur include: smoker's cough that persists, or intense, persistent chest, shoulder or back pain not related to pain, cough, increased amounts of sputum, shortness of breath, cough that persists for more than smoking in two weeks, change in color sputum, bloody sputum and repeated episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis.Women's lung cancer death rate is increasing while the proportion of cancer deaths in men has been falling since the mid-1980s. The decrease in mortality for men and women, to increase the impact of smoking behavior in both groups. Smoking was more common in women who are much later, about the trend.Smokers at greater risk of dying from lung cancer. The history of smoking and daily number of cigarettes a major role in this regard.

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