Thursday, September 16, 2010

effects of lung cancer

effects of lung cancer

Lung cancer is often a terminal disease, which is usually a byproduct of smoking. Diagnosed with lung cancer can be devastating for everyone. This includes the pain and the fear of the patient, as well as friends and family.This affects the small cells in the lungs and surrounding regions, where the lymph nodes and surrounding organs.Because smoking is the major cause of lung cancer, prevention is the best way to quit smoking as soon as possible. But sometimes not enough to stop. The cancer is caused by passive smoking. The good news is that many states are prohibited from smoking in public places. This reduces significantly reduces the chance of inhaling secondhand smoke.

But you have to be careful to spend any time good friends who are smoking in the slightest.Treatment options include chemotherapy, which often is not very attractive option. Radiation is another possible treatment, but it is equally attractive. A number of alternative therapies. These usually include hypnosis or "alternative" medicine. It is important to study them fully, because sometimes they can cause more harm than good.Often be difficult to recognize the symptoms. But if you are not early enough, it was too late to save the person concerned. One of the earliest and most well-known symptoms of lung cancer is coughing up blood. If this starts to happen you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. His studies will be able to have this tumor. The key is to catch these symptoms early, before it's too late.

non small cell lung cancer

non small cell lung cancer

There are two types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC believe that about 20% of all lung cancer diagnosis. This type of cancer occurs when the small cells in the lungs begin to grow fast and uncontrolled manner. Ultimately, this leads to the formation of malignant (cancerous) tumor in these cells. SCLC is often referred to as oat cell carcinoma of the small cells in the lungs similar to oats. In this article I will discuss in more detail SCLC.There are actually three SCLC cancer. Each type of cancer cell growth, and behave in different ways. Below I will discuss in more detail the three:

1) Small cell carcinoma - the most common form of SCLC is about 95% of all cases. This name is given if the cancer is only the small cells in the lungs are affected.2) Mixed small cell / large cell carcinoma - This is a rare subtype of SCLC 4% -6% of all cases. This occurs when the characteristics of small and large cell carcinoma (a type of NSCLC) are present. This subtype resistant to both chemotherapy and radiation.3) combined small cell carcinoma - This is the least common subtype of SCLC and is responsible for approximately 1% of all cases. This occurs when the small cell carcinoma associated with squamous cell carcinoma (a type of NSCLC that develops in the cells lining the airways) and / or adenocarcinoma (a type of NSCLC, to develop a mucus-producing cells).Smoking is the major risk factor for this type of lung cancer, and the thought of being responsible for more than 90% of SCLC events. However, his exposure to other substances such as asbestos, radon, and uranium are also thought to increase the risk of this type of tumor.

Since SCLC affects the lungs of the symptoms of this form of cancer in this part of the body. Some of the most common symptoms of lung cancer include regular coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough and phlegm or blood. If any of these symptoms you should check with your doctor and explain your concerns. They will then be able to carry out some tests and if necessary, treatment should begin in the SCLC.Most people are not aware of the different types of lung cancer. Although SCLC is less common of the two types is still very dangerous and can be fatal if ignored. I hope this article has given you a better understanding of SCLC. If you are concerned about this disease go to see a doctor. Will be able to give you a professional opinion, and give you the best advice possible.While all were intent to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information. SCLC is a very severe life-threatening condition and you should fully discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes with your doctor.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

signs of lung cancer in women

sign of lung cancer in women

Therefore, many women die from lung cancer? Research suggests that while women are less and inhale cigarette smoke fewer cigarettes to smoke, that women are 1.5 times more likely to suffer from lung cancer than men. Although further research is needed, scientists believe the difference may be genetically linked.Many improvements in cancer treatment and recovery rates have improved, and large. Unfortunately, this is not the case with lung cancer. Survival varies greatly over the past 40 years. If the patient is in the final stages of cancer of the lungs, the patient is likely to be critical of analgesics, and feels it is proposed to reduce the suffering.

The symptoms of lung cancer takes many years to develop, which often leads to diagnosis at an advanced stage of the disease. Some common symptoms may occur include: smoker's cough that persists, or intense, persistent chest, shoulder or back pain not related to pain, cough, increased amounts of sputum, shortness of breath, cough that persists for more than smoking in two weeks, change in color sputum, bloody sputum and repeated episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis.Women's lung cancer death rate is increasing while the proportion of cancer deaths in men has been falling since the mid-1980s. The decrease in mortality for men and women, to increase the impact of smoking behavior in both groups. Smoking was more common in women who are much later, about the trend.Smokers at greater risk of dying from lung cancer. The history of smoking and daily number of cigarettes a major role in this regard.

lung cancer life expectancy

lung cancer life expectancy

While the case of peritoneal mesothelioma rarer than pleural mesothelioma, an aggressive and often life expectancy is lower than the pleural form. Peritoneal mesothelioma pleural mesothelioma may develop an extension through the lymphatic system, or separate, as the primary site of cancer.Most people who suffer from peritoneal mesothelioma recognize the symptoms because they are similar to flu symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain or fever. A change in bowel habits also occur when the tumor is growing downwards, on the other hand, if the tumor develops in an upward bias in the respiratory tract. Pain in the abdomen can occur when the weight of the tumor in the nerve pressure. Weight loss and abdominal bloating to other signs that cancer, but the patient when the doctor to look at this point is probably too late, as usual, cancer and a larger one in the abdomen or peritoneal cavity.

Diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma is very difficult, and there is no specific system has been that a distinction can be made to the stage of tumor development. If necessary, TNM staging system is mainly used to detect cancer at different stages.Treatment for pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery can be. Although these treatments do not cure the cancer, it does not offer a better prognosis compared with pleural mesothelioma. The peritoneal mesothelioma life expectancy if untreated, 6 months and 1 year, but the aggressive treatment of patients with life expectancy of an additional 2 to 5 years.

Despite the poor life expectancy, some patients have a successful hit, the disease mesothelioma, and life is much longer than expected. Instead of crying and waiting for death, and they are looking for an alternative and radically changed lifestyle. This is how it was that the survivors of mesothelioma. Rhio O'Connor and Paul Kraus as they live only a few months, but rejected the idea of giving up his seat and set out to survive. No matter how small the chance, never.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

non small cell lung cancer

non small cell lung cancer

There are two types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC to be widespread in two, approximately 80% of lung cancer cases to the type. When will the cells in the lung start to grow uncontrollably and quickly which ultimately leads to the development of tumors. This cancer will continue to grow and damage the lung cells around. NSCLC go noticed, but if you know what you expect to use, and early diagnosis. In this article I'm going for three CONFERENCE Alerts NSCLC.

Chest pain is a warning of possible stabbing NSCLC. The chest pain may be constant or occasional. Some chest pain may only come when breathing or coughing. However, other chest pain without identifiable cause. If you find any type of chest pain should go and see your doctor immediately. Then they can determine the cause of chest pain, to determine, and can show if you are related to NSCLC.A cough that hangs on for a week or two usually indicates a problem with your lungs. Some cough basically, and you feel your throat is dry. However, other cough causes severe pain or coughing up blood lead. If you have any cough that persists after a week you should see your doctor. If blood you need to go see your doctor immediately if any of the more severe symptoms NSCLC. Although the cough does not prove to be associated with NSCLC doctor to perform the tests, and enter the correct diagnosis.

Many cancers, including non-small cell lung cancer can cause to feel tired. This is when you feel tired, and not the energy the whole time, even if they have enough rest. It is not clear why non-small cell lung cancer leads to fatigue, but a good theory is that cancer cells compete for nutrients at the expense of normal cells. This prevents the normal cell growth and function properly. If you feel very tired, and these feelings do not go away even if you have enough rest and sleep should go see your doctor. They are then able to identify a diagnosis of chronic fatigue.NSCLC is responsible for about 40,000 deaths per year. Much treated as if it should be noted at the time. If you notice any of these early warning signs you should see your doctor immediately. Although the symptoms associated with non-small cell lung cancer is often far away from your body tell you that something is up. Your doctor will see that what causes these symptoms and offer appropriate advice and treatment.

While each objective if this article made clear, and informative, it is intended for general information. Lung cancer is very serious, life-threatening condition, and you should discuss any concerns, treatment or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

stage 4 lung cancer

stage 4 lung cancer

When people talk about the fourth stage lung cancer survival, it is impossible to predict how long a person living with cancer. The statistics are only the average that people live longer, and who lived in less time.There are people who stage 4 non-operated lung cancer. Less than 5 in 100 people (less than 5%) were diagnosed, 4 phase, non-small cell lung cancer live at least 5 years. My prognosis was perhaps only a year, chemotherapy, palliative treatments.Chemo treatments did not affect the part of patients and tumor growth, but the lifestyle and diet changes to a large positive attitude, a few still remain, some still alive, but a number of years.

Some of the cancer is cured of the fourth Section eating hot peppers, garlic and oil. Some patients have been used instead of fish oil, evening primrose oil. Maybe you can try something other than the patient during treatment with the recommended food.Most of the time the doctors do not want to participate in the lungs removed, because the chances of surviving the surgery is not 100%, and is willing to particular treatment for a breathing machine twice a day plus a steroid treatment. Please do not give up, and make sure that refuse to be depressed, and always look around and say that you help another person, it is only ever one. If you say you will die within one year, please tell him that he is not God, and there is no due date yet.