mesothelioma patient
Mesothelioma patients are patients suffering from rare form of cancer known as mesothelioma. This disease is usually caused by direct or indirect exposure to asbestos is known as asbestos disease or asbestos poisoning.Smoking is not a direct cause of mesothelioma, but the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure, mesothelioma increases in the lung area.Symptoms of mesothelioma is difficult breathing and coughing, chest pain and other symptoms such as fever, weight loss, abdominal pain, neck or head. The symptoms after several decades of exposure to asbestos and the amount of exposure is not clearly correlated with the likelihood of the disease.
Mesothelioma diagnosis is difficult because the symptoms caused by other, less serious illnesses, and may be supported by x-ray of the chest and / or a CT or MRI and biopsy.Many forms of support to patients, including a large amount of information on the Internet, and discussion so specialized medical centers and other support.Treatment can be expensive, sometimes nearly a million dollars, which is one reason why the majority of patients to take legal action against an employer who exposed them to asbestos. Treatment includes combinations of radiation and chemotherapy and surgery, radiation therapy, but it has not proved to be ineffective.
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